Current Projects
- Population: 73 million, 215 languages with 700 local dialects;
- As big as the western US, but with a war-torn infrastructure that makes travel within the interior next to impossible for most;
- This population lives on 25% of the land due to Congo having the 2nd largest rain forest in the world;
- Average per capita annual income of $280, yet the Congo holds a treasure of mineral wealth (gold, diamonds, copper, coltan, oil, coal, silver, tin, and uranium);
- The DR Congo has the potential of producing 60% of the hydroelectric power for the whole continent of Africa, yet only 7% of Congolese have electricity available to them;
- Kinshasa, the capital city, has a population of 8.4 million, and 30,000 new arrivals are added every MONTH;
- The DR Congo "hosted" the Great African War in 1996 that killed over 5 million people, mostly by starvation and disease, and displaced more than 1.5 million people, and the repercussions of that conflict continue in one way or another up to today;
- The DRC ranks toward the bottom of the United Nations Human Development Index, which measures general living conditions- 168th out of the 177 nations surveyed;

In spite of the difficult political, social, and economic conditions, the church in Congo is planting new congregations throughout the interior of the country. The lack of infrastructure and endemic instability creates an impossible situation, such as in one province where there are 158 churches and only one trained pastor. As an example of the conditions in which these churches struggle, in this same province as rebel militia invade a part of their strategy of terror and intimidation is to systematically "cleanse" the region of any Bibles. Yet these pastors continue to plant churches!
The Response:
We come alongside our African colleagues, further develop these training center campuses, and create the Lubumbashi Leadership Training Center to provide the needed teaching staff for the eastern Congo. This will greatly reduce the outside investment by the mission to offer the training in the provinces and eventually bring the Congolese church to a sustainable level of leadership development.
These campuses (Mbandaka, Mbuji-Mayi, Nioki, Bandundu, Kananga, Kindu, Goma, Bukavu, and Lubumbashi) require a significant investment in project funding that can be contributed at one time or in several yearly installments over our next term.
Some of these schools are located in areas where women have been raped at a rate of 48 per HOUR. All the campuses need security walls built around them to prevent theft and personal attacks.
In one of the schools, because there is no security wall, the government hospital took over one building to have enough room for victims of a cholera epidemic, but have yet to release the building back to the school even after the epidemic passed over eight months ago.
In one school the cost of a bag of cement is $50, normally it is about $15.
We call on everyone to partner with us and say "ENOUGH!!" to the suffering and chaos and come alongside our Congolese brothers and sisters at this critical time. We look for churches and individuals who will step up and make a Spirit-led declaration against the devastation that has ravished the Congo for so long.
Our cash goal is $1 million dollars given over the next term. POSSIBLE!
It would take 20 partners giving $100 each to add $2,000, 20 more at $50 each to add $1000, and the last $1000 requires 40 more at $25. Are you one of the eighty who will stake a claim for the Kingdom in the Congo? If so, click HERE to register your commitment. or click HERE to make a one-time contribution to our work.
We returned to Africa at the close of 2012. We headquarter in Lubumbashi, the second largest city in Congo. This city of 2 million people, located in the southeast corner of the country in the Katanga province, will serve as our hub for all of eastern Congo.