Contact Information

Our mailing address in the USA is:
PO Box 1521
Port Orchard, WA 98366
In the DR Congo mail is not encouraged as mail delivery in
Lubumbashi is not considered viable.
Our cell phone numbers here in the DR Congo are the following: (the "243" is the country code.)
Bill: +243 85 492 3163
Sonia: +243 85 492 3117
We have a Skype VOIP phone number that is a Seattle number. If we are online when you call we can answer. If not you will go to voicemail and we receive an email signaling we have a voice mail. This number will work when we are in the Congo, but remember we are nine hours later.
This is our VOIP phone number: 360 519 4900
We also have the following phone numbers:
564 218 7695 (Bill) and 564 218 7812 (Sonia)